日本財団 図書館


* * Looking back on the Osaka Model United Nations * *



Mr. Masaya Ueno
Chairman Glocalism Communitee


The Osaka N4odel United Nations was held at the Hyatt Regency Osaka in Nanko fnr three days from 29 to 31 August. Thirty NGO organizations from 14 countries around the world were invited to the conference, with nearly 100 citizens participating as observers.
Based on the concept of "glocalism," which means to think globally and act locally with a loving heart, the participants considered the system of a new global society, in which the community takes the initiative and NGOs play a significant part, in order to create a truly affluent global society in the 21st century. After the exchange of views, a resolution was adopted to clarify future direction. Thus, the conference proved a success.
During the conference, thanks to the active cooperation of the distinguished guest speakers, including Mr. Yasushi Akashi, the U.N. Under-Secretary-General, we were able to build a new network of regions throughout the world, based on mutual understanding and friendship among the participants. This surely constitutes an invaluable asset to us. We are determined to strive for the development of the network established at the conference, by continuously exchanging information so that the quality of each related activity in regions concerned will he further enhanced.
In conclusion, I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other governmental bodies, for their sponsorship, and to private organizations, including the Nippon Foundation and a number of corporations, for their support.





